In fact, the IMF looks set to have a significant impact on UK politics in the lead up to the next general election, becoming a key ‘reputational intermediary’ in the battle for economic credibility between the Coalition government and Labour opposition.
"Once a year, a Mission Team made up of a small number of IMF staff travels to each member state to conduct an audit of its current economic policies and prospects. After discussions with country authorities, the Team produces what is known as an ‘Article IV Report’. In general, these Article IVs tend to remain very low-profile affairs, read by few people outside of the IMF Boardroom.
However, in times of crisis, Article IVs can become headline news. Typically, in times of economic malaise one of two factors will propel an Article IV into the realms of newsworthiness: either a government will draw upon a positive Report as an authoritative ‘stamp of approval’ for their policy agenda, or critics of a government will draw upon a negative Report as authoritative evidence of the failure of the government’s programme. We can see that both of these dynamics have been in operation in the UK in recent years.
Back in June 2011, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George
Osborne sought to direct the public gaze towards the recently completed Article
IV – particularly the opening sentence of the Mission Team’s Concluding Statement,
which read: ‘Aided by the implementation of a wide-ranging policy program, the
post-crisis repair of the UK economy is underway’. Indeed, through subsequent
Budget and Autumn Statements, Chancellor Osborne sought to further highlight
this boost to his, and the Coalition government’s, credibility as competent
economic managers.
Fast-forward to the recently completed 2013 Article IV, and
the story appears to be very different. Last month, before the Team had even
arrived, the characterisation in an interview
with Sky News from the IMF Chief Economist of the Chancellor’s fiscal
policy as being akin to ‘playing with fire’ attracted widespread media comment.
And this time, the Team’s Concluding
Statement opened with the suggestion that ‘the UK could boost growth by
bringing forward… spending on infrastructure and job skills’. Ed Balls,
Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, has been quick to capitalise on the IMF’s
judgement. On the day that the Mission Team’s Statement was released, Balls boldly
proclaimed that the IMF ‘backs the warnings we have made for three years
that the government’s plans are a drag on growth and risk doing long term
damage’. While the IMF intervention will be a source of irritation at Number 11
Downing Street, there are three reasons why it is highly unlikely that it will
ferment any notable policy shift from the government.
First, the Coalition government’s claims to being credible
economic managers rest heavily on making a sizable dent in the deficit. Rapid
deficit reduction was the core yardstick of success laid out by the Chancellor
in his Emergency Budget Statement of 2010, and the next election will in
significant part be fought on this ticket. As the action recommended by the IMF
would entail a short-term increase in the deficit (in the hope of attaining an
improved growth trajectory over the medium- to long-term), it does not sit well
with this core aim.
Second, the IMF itself suffers from something of a
‘credibility gap’ in relation to its macroeconomic policy advice. Critical
scholars have long complained of the sub-optimal outcomes associated with
Fund-supported programmes, and its own Independent Evaluation Office queried
the clarity and effectiveness of its guidance in a recent report.
Finally – and a closely related point – there remains widespread disagreement
over how governments should navigate the post-Global Financial Crisis
landscape. By calling into question what had rapidly become the ‘conventional
wisdom’ on the need to rapidly reduce government spending to try and keep
government debt-to-GDP ratios below the 90 percent mark, the recent Reinhart-Rogoff controversy
illustrates just how much policy-makers are in the dark over the ‘correct’ course
of action. In such a context of extreme uncertainty, a significant policy shift
is highly improbable.
This 2013 Article IV, then, probably won’t lead the
Chancellor to make even minor alterations to his fiscal programme. However, if
– as appears increasingly likely – the IMF becomes a key ‘reputational
intermediary’ in the battle for economic credibility between the Coalition
government and Labour opposition come May 2015 (or perhaps earlier), the
organisation will have a significant impact on UK politics. This time next
year, with the release of the 2014 Article IV, the picture will become a lot
Issues surrounding the changing role of the IMF are explored
in Liam’s Third Year module ‘Governing
the Global Economy’.
Will Vittery (PhD Candidate, Department of Politics) and
Liam will in June present a paper (‘Generating
Credibility in a Time of Crisis: Chancellors of the Exchequer and the
Reconstruction of Economic Competence, 2007-2012’) at the British International
Studies Association Annual Conference, Birmingham, exploring issues touched
upon in this blog.