A series of events on the theme 'Political Evil and the Challenge of Forgiveness' are taking place in York on the 2nd, 3rd and 10th June.
At the beginning of the 21st Century, there is no scarcity of political events that one can easily associate with the label “evil”. Genocide, totalitarianism, and torture are just some of the many faces of evil that continue to confront us today. Understanding the complex nature of atrocities is an essential precondition for learning from past mistakes and preventing future catastrophes.
In organising this series of events, we were guided by Hannah Arendt’s great insight that storytelling can best disclose the complexity of evil and of complicity in it. The two films and the academic workshop problematize the various faces of political evil and highlight the challenges it poses to forgiveness. Our hope is that they will engage the audience in a nuanced reflection about the individual’s responsibility and capacity to resist and overcome political evil in its multiple impersonations.
Full details can be found here.
The next Politics Departmental Seminar takes place on Wednesday 14th May. The
speaker will be Professor Ben Fine from SOAS, with a talk entitled
'Towards a Political Economy of Post-Apartheid South Africa'. The talk takes place in Derwent College room 104. Lunch and coffee will be provided from midday as usual, and the seminar will begin at 12:15pm. All are welcome.
Dr Carole Spary discusses women candidates contesting the 2014 elections
in India. Major political parties have articulated support for
increasing women’s participation in electoral politics at the national
level, but this has not materialised in significantly greater
nominations for women candidates in the 2014 election. Please follow the
link to read more: Plus ça change…? Women candidates and the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.